Happy to release another Animated short titled “Tom’s Got a Date, It’s a SUPERNATURAL Experience” The short follows our protagonist Tom getting ready for a hot date tonight by trying on some Wigs. He then decides to get some style advice from his stoner roommate Frank who is cleaning the kitchen.
When Franks advice was not to Tom’s liking an argument starts to break out (Tom starts complaining about Frank)
He then notices Frank is cleaning the kitchen, Frank lets Tom know that he’s going to bake weed brownies for his friends Tots and Reg (supporting characters) to watch a bear simulator on twitch.
Frank then wishes him good luck then cautions him that she may ghost him since thats what females do now. Annoyed Tom finally storms off to head to his date.
You can watch the rest to find out.
The film was produced by myself (lennyandfriends) as well as Team Insomniac Films
Adam D Crain (voice of Tom, and wrote the script)
Chris Krider and Sam for recording the audio and providing extra material for the short Brandon Hoffman As the voice of the waiter Adriel Kaplan the first person to hear the story and contributing ideas.
Check out more of our Animated Shorts
If you enjoyed our recent short be sure to check out more in our gallery section. I will definitly be working on more animated shorts in the future not just with Tomatohead but also some collaborations.